Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

The Benefits of Fog

Sometimes to get the best results from your money in the short-term, narrowing your focus is necessary. Let’s talk about three times you’ll see the benefits of fog in a financial sense, or when narrowing your focus will get the results you want.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

How You Talk About Money Matters

Have you ever stopped to think about how you talk to yourself and others about your money? It’s important. Ultimately, how you talk about your money matters. While talking about our money positively may not immediately fix our bank accounts, get us out of debt, or pay our bills, how we talk about money is the foundation we build from.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

Spring Cleaning Your Budget

Spring is starting to arrive. Which means, it’s time for spring cleaning! Spring cleaning is great, but if you aren’t careful, it can leave a dent in your budget. When you start spring cleaning, it’s important to be mindful. Here are some tips for keeping your budget in mind while spring cleaning that will help you stay on track!

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

Creating a Values Based Budget in 5 Easy Steps

Often when people think about sitting down to make a budget, it can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to. Let’s walk through 5 easy steps to creating a values based budget! But first, what is a values based budget?

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

3 Common Mistakes People Make When They Start to Budget

Often, when I talk to people who are struggling to create and stick to a budget, there are three mistakes that they’ve made right out of the gate that are getting in the way. Here are the three common mistakes people make when they start to budget and how you can avoid them and set yourself up for success!

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

Three Steps to Get Your Financial Ducks in a Row

You want to get organized, get on top of it, and master it. But, when you aren’t sure where to start? Here are three steps are things you can do today to kick your money stress to the curb and get your financial ducks in a row.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

4 Steps to Break Yourself Out of a Rut

Whether it’s the pandemic lingering, the effects of the constant new cycle that seems to go from bad to worse, or a shift in the stars, people are feeling stuck. If you’re feeling stuck with your money, or just in general, let’s talk about four things you can do right now to break yourself out of a rut!

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

The First Step Towards Eliminating Financial Stress

Financial stress can make you feel trapped – unsure of what to do. It’s important to face financial worries and one of the most effective ways to do that is to take the first step towards eliminating financial stress. But first, it’s important to understand what exactly financial stress is.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

8 Surefire Ways to Curb Impulse Spending

With back-to-school shopping, gearing up for the holidays, and seasonal sales, it can often be a time to spend money. Some of these purchases are planned for, but others can be impulse buys that can blow the budget. If you are looking to get your impulse spending under control and stay on budget this fall, I have 8 surefire ways to curb impulse spending and help you stay on budget.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

It’s Important to Track Your Progress

When you are starting to get organized and work towards your financial goals, creating a system is so important. But, it is equally important to keep track of your progress over time. Here are some ideas of how you can track your progress to make it work for you.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

Creating a Money Management System You Can Stick To

Ready to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck? The best way I know to do this is by creating a money management system you can stick to. Here are five things you need to consider when creating your system so that you can use it to thrive.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

Creating New Year’s Goals Instead of Resolutions

It is crazy to me to think that we are already in 2021 (FINALLY!). 2020 was the longest year EVER. But here we are, almost a week into 2021, I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what is in store. One thing that people seem to focus on at this time of year is planning out what the next year will look like. Many people do this by creating resolutions. And this is fine, but in the past few years I’ve done something different, and I’ve seen major results. So, today let’s talk about creating New Year’s goals instead of resolutions.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

How I Practice Gratitude

In my mind, gratitude is like any other skill, it has to be practiced. So, I thought I’d talk a bit about how I practice gratitude and the effect it has been having on my life.

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Kimbree Redburn Kimbree Redburn

Celebrating Halloween Safely on a Budget

Just because the world does not look the way in normally does this year as we approach October 31st, doesn’t mean that you and your family can’t still have fun. Here are some ways to make the holiday special and stay on budget.

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