Thinking About Retirement Doesn’t Have to Be Scary
It is said that nearly half of Americans have no retirement savings. So, I understand why thinking about your retirement can be scary. But, it doesn’t have to be. When it comes to thinking about retirement, understanding your options, determining your why, and figuring out what retirement means to you can help remove the fear and spur you to action!
Budgeting Doesn’t Have to Be Scary
There are some personal finance topics that seem to strike fear into the hearts of people everywhere. As we move into October, and Halloween approaches, I thought I would tackle a few of these topics. Up first, I thought I would talk about why budgeting doesn’t have to be scary.
How We Find Room in Our Budget to Save Money
On the surface, saving money is easy. Spend less than you earn. Pay yourself first. And sit back and watch your savings grow, right? Not necessarily. But, by some shifting habits and your mindset, you can save money.
Why it is Smart to Have Multiple Savings Accounts
We often hear about giving every dollar a purpose when it comes to creating our spending plan each month. I think giving every dollar a purpose is just as important when saving. By opening multiple savings accounts, one for each of your major goals, you are assigning each dollar in savings a purpose.
4 Steps to Crush Your Debt
The problem with paying down debt is that it can feel so overwhelming. When you see the balance you owe or your monthly payments, it can feel easier to ignore it and just move on. But, in four simple steps, you can put yourself on a path to repay your debt
The 5 Factors that Affect Your Credit Score
Understanding your credit can help you demystify it and turn your credit score around. Here’s an easy way to remember the 5 factors that affect your credit score.
Creating a Holiday Savings Plan
Did you know that Christmas is 18 weeks away? I know, 18 weeks seems like a long time, but it will be here before we know it. And with the holiday season approaching, it is important to start thinking about your creating a holiday savings plan.
The 6 Savings Accounts Every Family Should Have
We all know that it is so important to save money. But what specific accounts do you need? How do you know where to save them? And how can you figure out how much to save? Here is my list of six savings accounts, that at a minimum, every family should have
How I Use the Envelope System
While the envelope system is often used for budgeting, it can also be used to help you reach your short-term savings goals. It’s easy and effective. Start today!